Community business law for everyone in the community

Friendly & Affordable Legal Services

We offer business and non-profit law in Washington, Oregon, and California, and intellectual property law nationwide. 

What is a “Rational Unicorn”?

RA·TION·AL adjective

  1. Based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
    logical, reasoned, sensible, reasonable, cogent, intelligent, judicious, shrewd, common-sense, commonsensical, sound, prudent; down-to-earth, practical, pragmatic

U·NI·CORN noun

  1. A mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead.

  2. An animal who does not enjoy being defined, limited, or restrained. (Well, we can presume that's the case!)

We Are Different

You’ve probably noticed. We practice business and intellectual property law differently than most law firms.

We provide personalized, relationship-oriented legal services to small businesses, nonprofits, artists, and entertainers in Washington, Oregon, and California.

A group of people walking across a street that is painted in rainbow colors.

Law For Everyone

We continually and intentionally strive to be as attainable, collaborative, inclusive, and connected as possible. You deserve to have an attorney wherever you are at on your business journey. And, you should be respected for who you are. It’s not revolutionary. It’s how it should be.

I felt like I was in good hands with the Rational Unicorn team and have referred them to other BIPOC business owners. I have been enjoying their newsletters which list seminars and meet ups for networking and business resources!


I now know UNICORNS really do exist!! I can't say enough good things about the quality of support I have experienced with everyone I have worked with at Rational Unicorn.


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